08 January 2006

Cadetia chionantha

Cadetia chionantha is a member of the Dendrobiinae subtribe, which includes Dendrobium. Like Dendrobium cuthbertsonii, to which it is related, Cadetia chionantha is also found in the cool, misty mountains of Papua New Guinea. The leaves are about 5 cm long, and the flowers only about 8 mm across. It thrives in the same conditions as I keep my Dendrobium cuthbertsonii.

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View the better quality version. If you have a fast Internet connection or patience, or both, try the best quality or the super size versions.


Anonymous said...

The best quality link leads to Error 404.

Keep up the great work.

Chong-Yee said...

Fixed - sorry for the oversight and thanks for the encouragement!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on a fascinating blog! I find the photographs very interesting and the comments helpful. As a result of viewing I'm now on a search for some of these beautiful orchids. Jean a.k.a aeranthes

Anonymous said...

Well, your site sounds wonderful BUT... I upgraded my QuickTime 7 software but still couldn't run your files.

Chong-Yee said...

Hi, Marty.

Could you please let me know the exact error you're getting, in as much detail as possible? We may then be able to fix it for you. Without that info, I'm as much in the dark as you are!